2024 Rome, Italy

B-18 Tram Nguyen
The paradox of highly effective sofosbuvir combo therapy despite slow viral decline
Wednesday 17:40-18:00
C-07 Lucy Hutchinson
Mixed-effect modelling of transient tumour growth dynamics following anti-angiogenic therapy
Thursday 11:50-12:10
D-03 Rasmus Juul Kildemoes
Repeated time to event modelling of opioid consumption in postoperative pain
Friday 09:40-10:00
D-07 Sylvie Retout
How disease modeling and model-based meta-analyses contributed to understanding the path forward after dose discontinuation of a Phase III study in Alzheimer's disease
Friday 11:00-11:20
D-08 Marc Vandemeulebroecke
A longitudinal Item Response Theory model to characterize cognition over time in elderly subjects
Friday 11:20-11:40